Blue Sumatra Chicken

(10 customer reviews)

As low as: $7.95

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  • Blue Sumatra – Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       

Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru mid August

$7.95Sold Out

Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: All Other Standard Breeds, Orientals Class
  • Weights: Hen ——-4 lbs
    Rooster—-5 lb
    Pullet——-3 1/2  lbs
    Cockerel—4 lbs
  • Purpose: Ornamental, Egg Laying;Exhibition
  • Egg Shell Color: White
  • Egg Production: Fair
  • Egg Size: Small
  • Temperament: Active
  • Fertility Percentage: 40-55%
  • Broody: Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 9 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 4+ feet
  • Country of Origin: Asia, Island of Sumatra
  • APA: Yes, Recognized by American Standard of Perfection in 2002n
  • TLC: Yes, Threatened Status, Considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed.
  • Breeder Farm Source: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of pure Blue Sumatra since 1979.


At Cackle Hatchery® we offer the gorgeous Sumatra chicken. This specific variety features blue tinted feathers as well as the long flowing tail and multiple spurs on the legs that these chickens are known for. Originating on the Island of Sumatra, this is a popular choice when it comes to rare breed chickens in America. The Blue Sumatra was admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 2002. There are very few breeders of the Blue Sumatra in the United States and very few have been breeding them as long as Cackle Hatchery® Breeding Farms. Our bloodline generally produces 1/3 black/blues, 1/3 blues and 1/3 splash. We only ship you the blue chicks, however their offspring will still produce the 3 color shades. Place your order today and remember to contact the team at Cackle Hatchery® if you would like any additional details

Note: About Breeding Blue


Click link for details: Vaccination Policy


10 reviews for Blue Sumatra Chicken

  1. Karen Fischbeck

    I’ve ordered Blue Sumatra twice from Cackle and have not been disappointed. They are beautiful birds and get along well with my other chickens, even the roosters do! They are friendly, several of mine will fly up and land on my arm or my shoulder. Sumatra are one of my favorite breeds!

  2. kristin belghaouti

    The Sumatrans are the toughest, strongest, hardiest and smartest birds Ive ever owned. Yes, smartest! I believed all chickens were pretty stupid until I had the Sumatrans. Number one: Hen plans and executes escape maneuvers so she can get past the garden gate into the front yard, where she’s not allowed. She can fly well, but has never attempted to “Fly the Coop”. We had a terrible storm at night with 65mph wind gusts, her (then) coop was demolished several roofs in our area had to be replaced, even a parked car in Scottsdale flipped over- we had severe flooding, the Sumatran took it ALL in stride as if nothing were amiss!

    EGGS: they say the Sumatran is a “poor layer”. Yesterday I got two eggs within 24 hrs out of my favorite hen. She lays one egg per day, and has since she started laying (hatch date Mar 16 2020) My worst mistake was giving her rooster away, but it’s OK I did order a rare chick assortment from Cackle this month, I sure do hope at least one Sumatran’s in there.

  3. A&S chickens

    great birds

    The blues are great looking chickens. quality stock

  4. Adam

    Nice birds

    Vary nice looking healthy birds with nice colors and have a prehistoric raptor look and movements to them

  5. Smokey and the Bandit

    Show girl

    I recieved my birds in Feburary and my family is very impressed with our birds so much so we entered them into a poultry show for the very first time and our girl took reserve champion. These are high quality birds and are looking to start 2 more line this coming year. Thank you for having great birds.

  6. David

    Good looking bird

    Seems to get along with all other breeds, no issues.

  7. Samantha

    Favorite bird

    My blue Sumatra hen is now just over a year old and has become broody! Her mate is a gorgeous splash Sumatra (from a different source). She’s by far my favorite hen out of the hundred or so I have had.

  8. Debbie

    Beautiful chickens

    We are ready to show our Blue Sumatra at the county fair. Hoping for a first in class and maybe a best in show….we will keep you posted. They are only 4 months old but beautiful!

  9. April

    Very Impressed

    Received my order of (4) Black Sumatras, (4) Blue Sumatras, (5) Dominiques, and (3) Golden Laced Polish yesterday! Immediately upon entering the post office, I heard the peeps of babies! I live in a small Georgia down where it’s not uncommon for livestock to come through the post office, and even the Post Master was impressed by the packaging of the chicks! We even got an extra Golden Lace chick! Everyone is eating and drinking well, and we’re so happy with our new additions!

  10. Carrie New York May 2010


    I wanted to let you know that our chicks arrived!! I was very impressed with the packaging and service from your company. Right now they are all doing well and we are the most excited.

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