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Getting to Know Chicken Keepers

A man and woman hold a chicken in their yard

Chicken keepers in the United States are a diverse bunch in such things as where they live, how many chickens they keep, and what they feed their flock. A paper published in Poultry Science offers some interesting insights about who, exactly, chicken keepers are. Urban or Rural Backyard chicken keepers in the United States are […]

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An Easy and Inexpensive Boot Bath Sanitizer for Your Chicken Coop

Boots being washed after a trip to the chicken coop

Using a boot bath before and after you visit your chickens keeps your footwear clean. More important, it enhances your biosecurity measures to ensure that your flock stays healthy. The procedure for maintaining a boot bath and sanitizer is easy and inexpensive. Make a Boot Bath To make a boot bath and sanitizer, you need […]

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Free-Range Chickens, Good Idea or Not?

A Bielfelders chicken in a field

What, exactly, are free-range chickens? According to USDA, free-range chickens must be “allowed access to the outside.” That doesn’t mean they actually have to go outside. They just have to have outdoor access. On the other hand, to many rural chicken keepers, free range means letting the chickens go wherever they wish. That’s a non-starter […]

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Does Your Homeowners Association Allow Chickens?

A little girl holds a chicken

Some 75.5 million Americans — or about 30% of the entire population — live in a community governed by a Homeowners Association (HOA), according to the Foundation for Community Association Research. Further, the 365,000 different HOAs each enforce their own set of rules. And not all Homeowners Association rules allow chickens. Chickens and HOAs An […]

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Molting Sequence in Chickens

A diagram of a chicken

Each fall most chickens go through an annual molt, during which a shiny new set of feathers replaces their previous plumage. During the molt, nutrients used to produce eggs are diverted to producing feathers. As a result, laying slows, or ceases altogether. The best layers molt fast and furious, as if in a hurry to […]

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Standard Chicken versus Bantam, What’s the Difference?

Two chickens in a yard

What’s the difference between a standard chicken versus a bantam chicken? To understand the difference, let’s look at what a standard chicken is and what a bantam is. Standard Chicken The word “standard” when applied to chickens can be confusing. In some contexts it means that the breed has been standardized by the American Poultry […]

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12 Benefits of Keeping Ducks

A young man herds some ducks

Maybe you already keep chickens or other poultry and are considering adding ducks. Or maybe you’re thinking of starting with ducks as your first foray into the world of poultry. To help you decide whether or not duck keeping is for you, here are some of the benefits of keeping ducks. Ducks are easy to […]

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How Old Can Eggs Get?

A Berryfield egg

How old can eggs get— if they aren’t deliberately preserved — is a question facing archeologist investigating a 1,700 year old egg discovered in England. The shell is still intact and CT scans show the egg contains liquid, possibly consisting of the original yolk and albumen. Where did this egg come from? The egg’s contents […]

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Summer Treats for Your Chickens

A pair of chickens enjoying a bowl of fresh blueberries.

Nobody loves hot weather, and that includes your chickens. Just like we enjoy a cold treat on a hot day, so too does your flock. Here are some cool (and cooling) ideas for summer treats for your chickens. Cool Water Just like us, chickens drink more when the weather is hot. But warm water discourages […]

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Best Place to Buy Baby Chicks

A baby chick stands on a Scrabble board. The tiles in the foreground spell out "Cackle"

by Cackle Hatchery What is the best place to buy baby chicks? Without a doubt, Cackle Hatchery® is by far the best place to buy baby chicks, along with everything you might need to raise them to be happy, healthy chickens. Here’s why: Largest Selection Cackle Hatchery offers 230 varieties of poultry. That’s more varieties […]

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