Rare Chicken Breeds for Sale

Showing 1–12 of 66 results

Showing 1–12 of 66 results

Here you will find a complete inventory of the rare chicken breeds that are available from Cackle Hatchery®. We have many different breeds of rare baby chicks for sale, some of which are sold only as not sexed while others are available as pullets (females). There are brown and white egg layers and heritage chicken breeds in this list of more than three dozen exotic and rare birds. On each species’ page we’ve also included information on poultry farming with sustainable chicken breeds and exotic breeds of chickens. You can call us today at 417-532-4581 if you have questions about these rare chicken breeds for sale.

For a Full list of chicken breeds click here

”Typically these breeds/colors hatch and ship during Feb-Aug and you can start booking your order for these breeds/colors in January” Find months from here Availability Chart