White Leghorn Chicken

(24 customer reviews)

As low as: $2.80

Temporarily Unavailable - More Coming Soon

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  • White Leghorn – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
Minimums –

Not Sexed = 3

Female = 3

Male = 1

Total of 3 birds to ship

Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru July

$3.60Sold Out
$4.95Sold Out
$3.20Sold Out

Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Mediterranean Class
  • Weights: Hen—–4 1/2 lbs
    Rooster——6 lbs
    Pullet—4 lbs
    Cockerel—-5 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Egg Laying; Production
  • Egg Shell Color: White
  • Egg Production: 220-300 eggs per year (estimates only, see FAQ)
  • Egg Size: Large to Extra Large
  • Temperament: Very Active
  • Gender Accuracy: 80-85%
  • Fertility Percentage: 65-80%
  • Broody: Non Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 12 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 4 to 8 feet
  • Country of Origin: Italy
  •  APA: Yes, Recognized by the Standard of Perfection in 1874.
  • TLC: RecoveringConsidered a sustainable heritage chicken breed
  • BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of pure White Leghorn since 1936.


White Leghorns are good layers of white eggs, laying an average of 280 per year and sometimes reaching 300–320. They were admitted to the American Standard of Perfection in 1874 and originates from Italy, Denmark, and England. This breed is very athletic, hardy, non-sitters and lay very nice large/X large white eggs. They have a good feed-to-egg conversion ratio, needing around 125 grams per day of feed. This chicken breed is great for free range chicken farming or organic free range chicken eggs.  Leghorns rarely exhibit broodiness and are thus well suited for uninterrupted egg laying. The Leghorn is a light breed that matures quickly and is not considered a viable meat producer. Leghorns are active and efficient foragers and are one of the best for free range chickens that can avoid predators. However, the white variety of the leghorn might be easily seen by predators. They typically avoid human contact and tend to be nervous and flighty. The white leghorn chicken breed is one of many great chicken breeds for eggs and heritage chicken breeds for sale online at Cackle Hatchery®.

Cackle Hatchery currently only offers the production type of the white leghorn breed. At this time we do not offer an exhibition type white leghorn line

We also offer at limited times of the year White Leghorn Fertile Hatching Eggs


Click link for details: Vaccination Policy


24 reviews for White Leghorn Chicken

  1. Bruthabuz

    My wife and I ordered 5 of these White Leghorns last November and were notified on 2/15 that our order of 35 total chicks had shipped to us in California. Two days later, the USPS called to let us know we could pick them up. We actually received 39 chicks, all of them in eggsellent shape! We can’t wait for them to start laying eggs, for us and our friends! Thank you, Cackle Hatchery!

  2. Janey Welch

    I recommend chicken therapy and Cackle Hatchery to everyone! Received my 7 plus 1 free extra on the 28th. They are lively, playful, thriving and growing like weeds along with their 6 Barred Rock and 6 Cochin pals. No more feed store chicks for me! They are gorgeous girls!

  3. Bryan Peed

    We ordered 14(we got 16) to add to our flock. They all arrived alert, alive and very energetic. Followed the instructions cackle provides and not a single loss. Birds are growing and flourishing. As always, Cackle is top shelf with their birds and service.

  4. Brian Groover

    Smartest Bird in Our Flock, and the Best Layer

    Cackle Hatchery did a fabulous job shipping healthy stock to us.

    We only got one White Leghorn, along with some Dark Brahmas and Cornish Cross. The Leghorn is by far the best layer of the flock–or was until she got prolapse in her second year and stopped laying.

    She’s also clearly the smartest of the flock, figuring *everything* out faster than the other birds. Lots of interesting behaviors.

    When it comes time to replace the laying flock, I’ll be getting more White Leghorns. And there is no way I would order from anyone but Cackle Hatchery.

  5. Rachel


    This is my second order. My first order was a small order of only 6. But I loved my birds so much we ordered more. 16 leghorns came by mail quickly and they were all alive and well. Cacklehatchery does a great job! I love these birds, they are great layers and have the best, friendliest personality!!

  6. Leona

    Wonderful Experience

    I ordered four leghorns to restart my backyard flock. My previous hens all worked hard, retired and have passed on. So time to start anew. I have never ordered animals online, but couldn’t find what I wanted locally. So I placed my order and my chicks all arrived healthy and active. They are now two weeks old and going strong. Unlike some online reviews of leghorns, these birds are all friendly and very curious. I look forward to getting them outside and in their coop. Thanks for a great online ordering experience.

  7. Jo

    Nice, Friendly Layer

    We ordered three White Leghorn female chicks this past Spring. One died before maturity and one turned out to be a rooster, but despite this I’m pleased with the remaining hen from this purchase. She is the sweetest, most engaging hen of my bunch, not nervous and flighty as they’re often said to be. She began laying decent sized white eggs daily at about 6.5 months. The unexpected rooster is beautiful, and so far has not been aggressive towards us.

  8. angel


    I would like to take the time and thank Cackle Hatchery. My chicks arrived and all alive and healthy. I can say that I will not order from anyone but you. I’ve ordered from other hatcheries and not the same satisfaction that I have with Cackle. Thank you so very much. Will always have my business. Your the #1 best of all.

  9. Melissa

    Great experience

    Ordered 10 leghorns, and an assorted amount if easter eggers and cuckoo Marian. They ALL arrived healthy, and beautiful! Not to mention I got an extra leghorn and cuckoo maran!!! So far, so good. I wish had the informational packet from Purina like 10 years ago. I have had to learn the hard way on the type of wire to use etc, and feed! Even introduction to an already established flock. Very pleased! I will definitely be making my yearly purchase of 1/3 my yearly flock with these folks!!!

  10. ClemsonGirly94

    WL Chicks

    I ordered 17 female birds (5 Easter Eggs, 5 Buff Orpington, 5 White Leghorns, 2 Khaki Campbell Ducks) and ALL were alive and healthy straight out of the shipping box. They’re all a week old now and absolutely thriving!
    This was my first time ordering chicks online and I was a little hesitant at first but Cackle Hatchery is great! I will be a repeat buyer.

  11. Rachel


    My chicks were hatched and shipped during one of the coldest weeks we had this year. All 16 arrived alive thanks to Cackle putting in a heat pad and USPS trying to keep them out of the cold as much as possible. I was very impressed. Will order again. 13 Leghorns 3 Easter Eggers.

  12. Juan Enrique

    Excellent Breed! Excellent custumer service!

    Last february, i ordered 5 Leghorns and they arrived in perfect shape. This people have the best customer service ive seen. The breeds are excellent and they are by the book, of course, the american standard of perfection. If you want to raise chickens for any purpose, this is the place to buy. This is a reliable thing here.

  13. Allan

    Great People to do business with!

    The girls arrived today, 3-11-16. They seem healthy and happy!
    Thanks for your awesome customer service!

  14. Mark Illinois February 2014

    Just a customer message

    I have ordered through Cackle Hatchery for the past few years and have been very happy with the service. This spring (2016), I expect to be raising chickens and turkeys. I am overwintering some standard bronze turkeys and hoping that they will reproduce this spring. This year we raised 30 turkeys to slaughter and I am hoping to do about the same next season.

  15. Dan Texas May 2009

    Order arrival

    A quick note to let you know the chicks arrived 5/6/09 in great condition! If you shipped on the 5th that was an overnight delivery.

  16. Terri, Illinois March 2012

    Thank You

    I don’t often send words of THANKS… but I am the “Chicken Lady” at one of your wholesale stores. I just received our second batch of chicks from you today (50 each of Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns) and I just have to say; I have raised and ordered chicks for many, many years as a private chicken fanatic and this is the first time I have experienced chicks on a retail level. Your chicks arrive healthy, robust and on time. All of our chick buyers are told up front that their are coming from Cackle Hatchery. We have a 98% survival rate once they hit our store and I think that says a lot for your quality and our care once they are in our hands. Thank you for all the hard work that you do on your end and once those chicks are in my hands I do everything i can to see that they are properly cared for and ready to go on to their new homes. I simply cannot express strongly enough how happy I am doing business with you.

  17. Elizabeth Maine March 2014


    I want to tell you how much I like the qualities of your birds and their eggs. I hope that I will have many more amazing years with your chickens! THANK YOU!

  18. Butch Ohio April 2010


    Just wanted to let you know that our chick order arrived this morning on time and the girls were in excellent shape strong and healthy. My wife and I are very pleased. Will order from Cackle again. Happy Customers

  19. Mario California April 2010

    Thank You note

    Thanks a lot to all involved in my order. All I want is to thank you for my chicks. Sadly one of the little turkeys arrived dead but the rest are doing fine. Hopefully everything goes fine and I will see you next time. Have a wonderful day.

  20. Sigfrido Puerto Rico May 2010

    Cackle Hatchery

    As you can see I live in Puerto Rico. My chicks were sent Wednesday and arrived today Friday. All of them alive and in perfect condition. Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and will definitely will do business again.

  21. Jim Indiana July 1010


    Received order today. They are live and healthy. Everybody done a good job. Even the Post Office. Thanks

  22. Jay Kansas June 2014


    We received our package of chicks this morning at 7:30 am. All were healthy. Thank you a bunch for your service. We are looking forward to raising our leghorns, Rhode Island Red, Easter Egg and Black Australorps. We also appreciate the information you send concerning the first few weeks of caring for our chicks. It is detailed and helpful. Thanks again for your great service.

  23. Janie, Missouri May 2014

    Cackle Hatchery

    I received my chicks today and found all but 1 made it alive not bad odds for ordering 70 chicks. Thank you for the chicks and I am looking forward to ordering more.

  24. Michael Tennessee July 2014

    Cackle Hatchery

    I appreciate the manner in which you packaged the chicks. Certainly much better than other hatcheries that shall remain nameless. You have me as a customer to stay.

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