French Black Tailed Red Marans

(7 customer reviews)

As low as: $6.50

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  • French Black Tailed Red Marans  – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3 
                                Female = 3
                                 Male= 1  
                                Total of 3 birds to ship      
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru Mid August

Limit of 24.

$6.50Sold Out
$14.00Sold Out
$14.00Sold Out

Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Continental
  • Weights: Hen ——-6 1/2 lbs
    Rooster—8 lbs
    Pullet——5 1/2 lbs
    Cockerel—7 lbs
  • Purpose: Egg Laying
  • Egg Shell Color: Dark Brown #6 to #9 Range
  • Egg Production: Good 200+ ( (estimates only, see FAQ)
  • Mating Ratio: 8 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height:2 to 4 feet
  • Country of Origin: France
  • APA: No
  • TLC: Not Listed
  • Breeder Farm Source: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline/strain of  French Black Tailed Red Marans since 2020.


This line was established from birds selected by prominent breeders throughout the US and is still a project in the works. Cackle Hatchery started this project in 2016 along with some bloodlines from Bill Grover. The hens are capable of laying eggs as dark as any other Marans. Selection should reflect a balance of type, egg color, as well as the chestnut feather color of the New Hampshire. The French Standard suggests the variety should, “correspond to those of the New Hampshire breed in color”.

Notable defects to consider before buying this breed are: 30% chance of fused toes and/or web toes and 30% chance of males with extreme large combs. The feather coloring is still a long way from project standard we are working on.  We hope to improve the genetic inefficiencies as this project develops but this is what you can expect for the 2024 hatching season.  Our cackle flock lays eggshell colors of 6-9 on the French Marans Egg color chart found in the gallery.

Like all Marans, the Black Tailed Red is a dual purpose breed. The hens can go broody, and make excellent mothers. They are VERY rare, and will make an exceptional addition to your homestead.

We also offer the French Marans Female Surplus and the Dark Brown Egg Female Surplus

Sexing Note: Most of our breeds we can average 90% accuracy on gender sexing. However, with the French Marans breed it is more difficult for the vent sexor to make this determination, so for this breed our guarantee is 75% accuracy.


Click link for details: Vaccination Policy


7 reviews for French Black Tailed Red Marans

  1. ruf_girl

    I ordered 3 and received 4 but one was DOA. It was a rough shipment and I don not fault Cackle for it. They started out MEAN and would peck at the eyes of the other chicks. I had to place them in a separate brooder with some turkey chicks and they were fine. I chalk it up to stress. After about 10 days I was able to integrate them back into the chicken brooder and they have been perfectly nice ever since. At about 3 months I found one dead with no apparent cause and our birds are checked twice daily so it was a bit of a mystery. The 2 remaining hens are well mannered, matured early and both lay. One produces a beautiful dark chocolate egg (my favorite), the other’s is much lighter and speckled but I don’t mind the variety. I have had Lavender Marans and Black Coppers. These Black Tailed Reds are my favorite Marans so far. I will be purchasing again

  2. Toni Johnson

    I wanted to add to my review that the shade of red varied.. some are darker red; some are creme on undercarriage, red on top; some have darker red head and neck and lighter red on the bodies and creme on the under carriage..I like them all.. enjoy!

  3. Toni Johnson

    Ordered 14 females. all arrived healthy at the end of’s almost first of Nov now.. still waiting on the eggs to start dropping.. the personality of the birds are inquisitive, not a cuddling type if that’s what you’re after.. they like to roam/forage..half of them have taken to roosting in a crepe myrtle in their run instead of the coop.. worried about all of that when and if it ever storms here..(drought conditions now).. the hens seem to be pretty layed back and don’t like confrontation..I’m enjoying them currently..

  4. lily.alisa2899

    Though the eggs were a gorgeous deep chocolate color, and all the hens were laying an egg a day, they only laid eggs for a year. Though their living conditions and diet are still exceptionally good, none of my 13 hens lay eggs. The last one I got was 7 months ago, and no, they’re not hiding them someplace.

  5. Andrea Hunter

    I need more of these! I love this breed. Eggs are dark, hens are nice. And they lay almost every day!

  6. audra oldham

    Beautiful birds. Docile and inquisitive. I really love them. We just started getting eggs and I was delighted that they were 7-9 on the egg color scale. Definitely the darkest eggs I’ve ever seen in person. I would highly recommend this breed. I would advise getting straight run though. I ordered hens and Roosters separately but got 50/50.

  7. danamb45

    Thank you for the excellent service and the extra baby. All Beautiful & healthy chicks.

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