New Hampshire Chicken

(26 customer reviews)

As low as: $2.80

Temporarily Unavailable - More Coming Soon

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  • New Hampshire – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
Minimums –

Not Sexed = 3

Female = 3

Male = 1

Total of 3 birds to ship

Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru mid August

$3.60Sold Out
$4.95Sold Out
$3.20Sold Out

Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: American Class
  • Weights: Hen ——-6 1/2 lbs        Rooster——8 1/2 lbs
    Pullet——-5 1/2  lbs      Cockerel—–7 1/2 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Primary production, Egg Laying & Pet/Secondary meat source
  • Egg Shell Color: Brown
  • Egg Production: 200-280 eggs per year (estimates only, see FAQ)
  • Egg Size: Large-Extra Large
  • Temperament: Docile
  • Gender Accuracy: 85-90%
  • Fertility Percentage: 65-80%
  • Broody: Variable
  • Mating Ratio: 10 Females to 1 Males
  • Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet
  • Country of Origin: United States (New England)
  • APA: Yes, Recognized by American Standard of Perfection in 1935.
  • TLC: Yes, Threatened status, A Sustainable Heritage Chicken Breed.
  • BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of pure New Hampshire since 1945.


Developed in 1915 from a strain of Rhode Island Red brought into New Hampshire state, they were recognized as a distinct breed in 1935, (Sustainable Heritage Chicken Breed). Our New Hampshire originated from the “Newcomer” strain which was an egg laying strain and has been improved upon yearly on our own breeding farm. If you wish a bird that matures early, lays good, and is of heavy weight, then the New Hampshire is what you’re looking for.


Click link for details: Vaccination Policy


26 reviews for New Hampshire Chicken

  1. sharenhod

    I ordered 12 New Hampshires May 24, 2023, received 13 on May 25. The extra turned out to be a beautiful, attentive rooster who is now the head of my flock of New Hampshires and Ameraucanas. The girls started laying at 24 weeks and have been very consistent. One pullet died very unexpectedly at about 4 weeks old- no obvious explanation. Everyone else is doing great. There is some color/ pattern variation so I can tell the girls apart, which I like. Girls are mild mannered. One is ok with being held. Great foragers! Satisfied customer! Thanks Cackle Hatchery!🙂

  2. crazy4poultry

    In early March 2023 I received New Hampshires as part of my larger order. My order consisted of:
    6 Dominique pullets
    6 New Hampshire pullets
    3 Brown Leghorn pullets

    I received 7 New Hampshire pullets.
    I have had them before and am once again pleased with them. They are great layers of large brown eggs. though they were the last to start laying of the three breeds I chose. I have had a couple go broody.
    They have pleasant docile temperaments. They enjoy free ranging, but are not as active as the Dominoques or Leghorns.
    One bird has a narrow head and body, while another one is larger and more blocky in shape than the rest. But the five others are similar with good proportions. Their colors range from a deep orange/brown with strong black markings on the hackles to a very light brown orange – almost a blonde color.
    They have handled the cold temperatures well and so far have not had any frostbite on the combs.
    I personally find RIRs to have a nicer color, but I have been impressed with how the NHs produce. I recommend them for people looking for a good backyard bird.

  3. Ruby Anne Heie-Rubley

    We have had our NHR for a year now. We ordered 3 pullets and received 4. All survived to adulthood. All were accurately sexed.

    Since then we have lost 2 NHR (only chickens we have lost so far) and I can’t help but think it has to do with their unique behavioral characteristics. They are very bold hens in general. Curious and perhaps not quite suspicious enough to free range. They are big hens and are not afraid to use their size to their advantage against the rest of the flock. I would not consider them aggressive, at least not mine, they just tend to challenge the pecking order often. They are far from shy. Thats what got them both in trouble. The two we lost were both a bit too bold, tho I won’t get into detail of the unrelated incidents.

    That said, I really like these girls. Their curiosity is endearing, if a bit dangerous while free ranging. They lay well too, nice big eggs, and overall seem to have excellent health (at this age anyway). Not my favorite hens in the flock, but I am glad we added NHR.

  4. Jim

    Even Better Than Expected

    I just received my order, delivered to Las Vegas. 15 chickens (5 New Hampshire, 4 Barred 3 White Plymouth Rock, and 3 Delaware). This is my first time raising chickens and I was a bit nervous of how they would arrive after a two day trip. Walked into Post Office and everyone was laughing at how loud they were chirping through the box :). Got them home, opened the box and their were 18 healthy chicks looking at me like, “Get me out of here!!” I dipped their beaks in the water as instructed but I was expecting somewhat lethargic chicks. Not these! They tried wiggling out of my hand and fought the attempt. Once in the bedding, they went right after the food on the paper towel and others went to the feeders. All found the water within 5 minutes. I’m leaving AC off while their in my basement cause it’s 90 degrees outside, 80 inside, but only two went under the heat lamp for a couple minutes. The rest are eating and drinking like they own the place. I can’t tell you how happy I am I bought these though Cackle Hatchery instead of the random shipments we can choose from at our local feed stores. These are top notch chicks coming from a top notch Hatchery. I will be back for more soon.

  5. LARRY



  6. Alan


    Mrs. Smith and Jeff… just wanted you to know how pleased i am with the New hampshire chicks that i got from you .. i also got 5 white Rhode island pullets too.they are unbelievable layers too..have a friend about my age bracket 70 years old, that takes my excess eggs to sell. we cant keep up with the demand now.all the time he comes over as well as everyone else, keeps saying what a pretty batch of hens i have.the word is spreading around here where i got them from..a long story, but i ended up selling my friend some of my flock. got about 35 left.even the 2 roosters i got, never show any kind of aggressive behavior. my little grandson walks around them when he helps me gather eggs. something i used to worry about..just a beautiful batch of hens.. the bantams i got as a replacements, are all doing well, even though most turned out roosters, luck of the draw.pretty little things.
    if i had a small place i was telling my brother, i would raise bantams.they hardly eat much, almost self sufficient..easy keepers..
    all my years of having chickens, never had such pretty and wonderful hens like i have in these New Hamps. God Bless,

  7. alan

    new hampshire hens

    best hens i have ever owned.excellent layers, calm and friendly, even roosters are calm.alot of people admire my hens.will order these from now on. in my sixties, raised alot of chickens.wonderful batch of i got here..

  8. Jon, Missouri

    Very Pleased!

    This are the best ones yet. They are of sweet nature, healthy and very good layers even when the weather is getting colder. Thank You.

  9. alan


    pretty hens, excellent layers, lots of compliments from people..excellent people to deal with. of all my hens, the new hamps are the tops..could not ask for anything more..

  10. Frank

    healthy and happy

    I ordered 6 New Hampshires, 6 Welsummers, and 6 Black Laced Red Wyandotte, all arrived in great condition healthy and happy. Also received 2 additional NHs and 1 Welsummer, thank you! Only issue worth noting is the Welsummer chicks did attack the eyes of the NH chicks, we separated them for 24 hours and all is good. Thanks Cackle turkeys arrive next month!!

  11. Roger

    Great chickens

    I ordered these because past experience with the breed was so good. These turned out to be just as good. They always seem to be very friendly and are good free range chickens. The rooster I didn’t order is just beautiful and is taking good care of the girls.

  12. Junebug

    Great Experience

    I ordered 5 Buffs, 5 Delaware, 5 New Hampshires. They all arrived alive, 1 with pasty butt. All are moving around, eating, and drinking. Cackle included 2 extra so i now have 17 chicks! Thanks so much Cackle!!!

  13. Juan

    Excellent Service / Great Chicks

    This is the first time I order from Cacle Hatchery and will not be the last. I am very please with the excellent service. I ordered 32 New Hampshire chicks and got a few extras. All the chicks arrived in excellent conditions to Puerto Rico. I am surprise how vigorous they are. I follow the instructions by dipping their beaks in water and after that they went directly to the feed…

  14. Papa Bear

    Very Pleased will order again

    I ordered 30 pullets and 3 cockerels. I received May 7th in very good shape. Very pleased they have grown very nicely. Ended up with 20 pullets and 13 cockerels. Need to process the extra cockerels taste great. My New Hampshire Girls are giving me between 65-80 nice eggs per week in December. I plan to get more this spring. I highly recommend Cackle Hatchery and the New Hampshire Reds…

  15. Fran Maine October 2009

    Order Satisfaction

    We are so pleased with our order that we received in July. They have all (21) survived and in fact we have been accused of ‘spoiling’ our chickens and housing them in a ‘palace’! We will be ordering again from you in the future. Thank you.

  16. Jerry, Wisconsin June 2013

    Chick Order

    i am sending you this to let you know how pleased I am with the chicks I ordered from Cackle Hatchery. Approximately two weeks ago I received my order of 50 Cornish Rock broilers and 5 New Hampshire pullets. The chicks arrived healthy and vigorous. Typically one or two will die within a day and Cackle has always been good about providing a few extra, for just such a problem. As of today we haven’t lost any and they are growing like crazy! I couldn’t be happier with my order. Previously I purchased poultry from Cackle Hatchery and was pleased but decided to try some from another breeder to see the difference. After seeing the differences between your birds and the “other breeders” I will never do that again. Cackle Hatchery will get EVERY order I place from now on and I have been telling my friends and neighbors how great your service and birds are. Thanks again,

  17. Butch Ohio April 2010


    Just wanted to let you know that our chick order arrived this morning on time and the girls were in excellent shape strong and healthy. My wife and I are very pleased. Will order from Cackle again. Happy Customers

  18. Elaine Tennessee March 2010

    Cackle Hatchery

    I wanted to let you know how please I am with the substitutions you made to my order!!! Thank you for taking the time to call me and spend your time helping me with this instead of just making the decision to send other birds. I am so looking forward to having your chicks. I have friend that use your hatchery and have for years with wonderful success. Thanks again

  19. Sigfrido Puerto Rico May 2010

    Cackle Hatchery

    As you can see I live in Puerto Rico. My chicks were sent Wednesday and arrived today Friday. All of them alive and in perfect condition. Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and will definitely will do business again.

  20. Billy Oklahoma April 2014


    I ordered some chicks from y’all a few week ago and I am just giving y’all some feedback on the good hatchery y’all have thanks for the chicks. They all got here safe and all are a live and again I thank y’all very much and y’all’s Hatchery should be the number one Hatchery in the world and y’all’s Hatchery will be the only one I ever order from.

  21. George, Washington June 2014

    Baby Chick Shipment

    Picked up my 35 chicks at 7:30 AM at the post office and all the chicks made it ok! I really like the size of the container and the type of bedding. The postal agent said I am lucky as they received a box shipment of 200 chicks a few days ago and all but one was dead from over crowding. I wonder how any experienced hatchery could do that. Doesn’t make sense to me. Thanks for the timely shipment. Best regards

  22. Scott Missouri April 2014

    Cackle Hatchery

    I wanted to drop you a line to let you know that my birds arrived safe and sound in addition to being a day earlier than projected. There was 100% survival including the two extras, so that was a bonus. I am pleased with the service Cackle provides. You were quick to response to my emails (usually the same day) and the customer service reps are polite and helpful, even going as far as to assist in choosing an alternate breed for one that was not available so that I could retain my original shipping date. I will be using Cackle for my future orders. Many thanks,

  23. Michael Tennessee July 2014

    Cackle Hatchery

    I appreciate the manner in which you packaged the chicks. Certainly much better than other hatcheries that shall remain nameless. You have me as a customer to stay.

  24. Randy Missouri April 2014

    Cackle Hatchery

    17 healthy happy ladies and two turkeys arrived yesterday thank you very much you did everything you said you would do everything turned out great I appreciate everything you’ve done.

  25. Barbara Pennsylvania July 2011

    Hello Cackle Hatchery

    We received our 2 separate orders of chicks over the last 2 weeks. We were delighted to see the quality of chicks you sent us. All are very healthy, vigorous and growing rapidly. No problems. Thank You . I do believe that these are by far the best chicks we have ever received from anyone. We added your Rhode Island Reds Ameraucanas(EE) and New Hampshire Reds to our egg laying flock. What awesome chicks you sent. All arrived in great health and look wonderful. Thank you again. We will not hesitate to order again.

  26. Helen, Alaska (received April 2015)

    Very happy customer 🙂

    I’ve been meaning to let you know ever since I got the chicks: 100% survival on arrival, and now all this time later, still 100% survival and growing just like they’re supposed to!

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