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Breed Spotlight: Aseel Chicken

An Aseel Chicken

The Aseel chicken is an ancient game fowl from India. The name of this indigenous breed means trueborn or purebred. Aseels have an upright stance, square shanks, and short legs set wide apart. Their ears are red, and they have a pea comb and minimal wattles. These slow-growing chickens have well developed muscles, although their […]

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Should You Vaccinate Your Chickens?


Deciding if you should vaccinate your chickens depends on how likely they are to encounter infectious diseases. You may not need to vaccinate if you maintain impeccable biosecurity, because doing so significantly reduces your flock’s risk of acquiring a disease. Unfortunately, many backyard chicken keepers either don’t know about biosecurity or just don’t think it’s […]

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What is Biosecurity for Chickens?

buff orpington chickens in a backyard

Biosecurity for chickens includes all precautions you take to protect your flock from coming down with a disease. The more precautions you take, the better chance your chickens have to remain healthy. The fewer precautions you take, the greater the risk that one day some disease will affect your flock. So what are these precautions […]

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How to Control Cannibalism in Chickens

chicken perched on a swing

In past blogs we’ve looked at different forms of cannibalism and the causes of cannibalism. But, despite your best efforts, your chickens persist in pecking one another. So let’s take a look at how to control cannibalism in chickens once it gets started. Identify the Perp At the first sign of picking, remove the injured […]

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