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Standard Chicken versus Bantam, What’s the Difference?

Two chickens in a yard

What’s the difference between a standard chicken versus a bantam chicken? To understand the difference, let’s look at what a standard chicken is and what a bantam is. Standard Chicken The word “standard” when applied to chickens can be confusing. In some contexts it means that the breed has been standardized by the American Poultry […]

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Easter Egger Bantam Chickens in the Spotlight

Easter Egger Bantam Chickens

Easter Egger bantam chickens are a smaller version of chickens that originate from a cross between blue-egg laying Ameraucanas and breeds that lay eggs with brown shells. The result is a breeding population of chickens with a variety of conformations and plumage colors, and that lay eggs with a wide range of shell colors. Physical […]

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Silkie Bantam Chickens in the Breed Spotlight

A White Silkie Hens sitting next to a cat

The details of exactly when and how Silkie bantam chickens came into being have been lost in the mists of time. The breed was first mentioned by Marco Polo, who wrote about “chickens with fur-like feathers and black skin” in his 13th century report of his explorations in Asia. Most likely Silkie chickens existed long […]

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Caring for Bantam Chickens

A young man holds a bantam chicken

Does caring for bantam chickens differ from keeping larger chickens? Yes and no. Any differences generally relate to the bantams’ smaller size and to their typically gentle temperament. Predator Protection Bantam chickens are so light in weight that most predators can easily carry one away. And because they have shorter legs, they can’t run to […]

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True Bantam Chicken Breeds

A d'Uccle Hen from Cackle Hatchery

Nearly every chicken breed has a bantam version. But some bantam breeds have no larger counterpart. The latter are true bantams. Cackle Hatchery® offers the following true bantam chicken breeds: Belgian d’Anvers Belgian d’Anvers bantams get their name from the Belgian municipality of Antwerp, which is “Anvers” to the French. The word d’Anvers therefore means […]

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10 Reasons to Keep Bantam Chickens

Old English Bantam chicken sitting on a hand

First, let’s establish that “bantam” is not a specific chicken breed. Rather, the word refers to a collection of breeds that are smaller than the usual egg-and-meat chicken breeds. A typical bantam weighs no more than two pounds, leading practical chicken keepers to wonder, “What’s the point?” Bantams don’t lay exceptionally well, and the eggs […]

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11 Cold Hardy Bantam Breeds

A Wyandotte bantam in winter

Chickens, including bantams, tend to do better in cold weather than in hot weather. However, some bantams tolerate the cold better than others. Certain features — such as dense plumage, leg feathering, beards, and small combs — contribute to a cold hardiness. Often the country of origin provides a clue to a breed’s climate tolerance. […]

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The Lethal Creeper Gene in Japanese Bantams

2 japanese bantams Chickens

Japanese bantams bred for exhibition must have short legs, according to the Standard of Perfection. Unfortunately this trait comes with a dominant lethal gene called creeper (Cp). The creeper gene causes embryos to die during incubation, resulting in a reduced hatch rate for Japanese bantam eggs. Here’s how the lethal creeper gene works: Creeper Genetics […]

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5 Bantam Breeds that Tolerate Warm Weather

Silkie Chickens

In addition to the miniature versions of large warm weather chicken breeds, five other bantam breeds also do well when the temperature rises. Of those described below, four of the five bantam breeds that tolerate warm weather are true bantams. Bantam Chickens The history of bantam chickens follows that of the Industrial Revolution. As families […]

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