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Black Australorp Chickens in the Heritage Breed Spotlight

Black Australorp Hens pecking about in a yard

Black Australorp chickens were developed in Australia by crossing black Orpingtons from England with other breeds that are good egg layers. The idea was to develop farmstead chickens that excel in egg production. The breed name comes from combining the words Australia and Orpington. Physical Attributes The United States favors Australorps that are black, although […]

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Speckled Sussex Chickens in the Heritage Breed Spotlight

Speckled Sussex

Speckled Sussex chickens are an old breed originating in England’s county of Sussex. They appeared in the world’s first poultry exhibition in 1845, although they date much farther back than that. This large-bodied bird was originally kept primarily for meat. But in the United States Sussex chickens are considered to be a dual-purpose egg-and-meet breed. […]

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What Are Heritage Chickens?

A group of Heritage Chickens hang out together in a field

What exactly are heritage chickens? For that matter, what is a heritage turkey, duck, or goose? By definition, heritage poultry breeds share these important characteristics: They are standard breeds They mate naturally They can live a long time They are slow growing Standard Breeds Heritage breeds must have been accepted into the American Standard of […]

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Orpington Chickens in the Heritage Breed Spotlight

An Orpington chicken with a chick

Orpington chickens get their name from the town of Orpington in Kent, England. They are the creation of Britain’s William Cook, whose goal was developing an outstanding meat and egg breed that tolerates England’s cold winters. Orpingtons first appeared at exhibition in London in 1886 and were first shown in the United States in 1895. […]

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Wyandotte Chickens in the Heritage Breed Spotlight

A Wyandotte-Buff-Roo chicken inside a coop

Wyandotte chickens were developed in a region of the United States once occupied by the Native American Huron tribes. Collectively, these tribes were known as Wendat, or Wyandot, which inspired the breed name. Physical Attributes With their short tail, short back, and loose feathering, Wyandotte chickens look rather round. They may be large or bantam. […]

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9 Reasons to Show Your Chickens

A young girl holds up a ribbon she won showing off her chicken

As keeping backyard chickens becomes ever more popular, poultry shows attract more and more participants. Today’s chicken keepers participate in poultry exhibitions for all sorts of appealing reasons. Here are nine reasons to your show chickens: Affordable Hobby Everybody needs something relaxing to do in their spare time. Many people find that conditioning and showing […]

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Silkie Bantam Chickens in the Breed Spotlight

A White Silkie Hens sitting next to a cat

The details of exactly when and how Silkie bantam chickens came into being have been lost in the mists of time. The breed was first mentioned by Marco Polo, who wrote about “chickens with fur-like feathers and black skin” in his 13th century report of his explorations in Asia. Most likely Silkie chickens existed long […]

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Caring for Bantam Chickens

A young man holds a bantam chicken

Does caring for bantam chickens differ from keeping larger chickens? Yes and no. Any differences generally relate to the bantams’ smaller size and to their typically gentle temperament. Predator Protection Bantam chickens are so light in weight that most predators can easily carry one away. And because they have shorter legs, they can’t run to […]

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Swedish Duck in the Heritage Breed Spotlight

Blue Swedish Duck sits on a pond

The Swedish duck has its origins in the early to mid 1800s in Pomerania, a region on the Baltic Sea that was once controlled by Sweden. The breed first came to the United States in 1884. The only variety listed in the American Standard of Perfection is the blue variety, accepted in 1904. Physical Attributes […]

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