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How to Treat a Chicken with Bumblefoot

Signs of Bumblefoot

Bumblefoot describes a chicken’s inflamed foot with a hard, swollen abscess in the foot pad. The word bumble originally referred to the affected chicken’s unsteady gait caused by the swelling. In recent times, the core of the abscess, or the abscess itself, has been referred to as a bumble.   The abscess may start out […]

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Crazy Cackle Toppies

Crazy Cackle Toppies
  • Crazy Cackle Toppies – Sold as Baby Chicks Only – No Sexing Available
 Minimums Not Sexed = 3
                      Total of 3 birds to ship       

Seasonal/Shipped Mid Feb thru Late August.

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Silver Laced English Orpington Chicken

Silver laced orpington
  • Silver Laced English Orpington Chicken – Sold as Baby Chicks Only 
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3
                                Total of 3 birds to ship       

Shipped Early March thru Early August.

Limit of 15 Not Sexed 

Limit of 10 Females and Males 


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Chick Sales Sheets

PRINTABLE CHICK SALES SHEETS Tips for printing: Make sure your printer settings are set to landscape orientation and that the scale is set to “Fit to Page”. Ancona Duck Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Barred Rock Bantam Bielefelder Black Australorp Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Standard Chicken […]

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12 Chicken Breeds with the Best Laying Hens

Brown Eggs from Productive Hen

All female chickens lay eggs, and all hens lay best in their first year of production. But some chicken breeds lay better than others. Hens that lay best are of breeds that have been selectively bred for egg production, rather than for fast growth or exhibition qualities.   Layers of Eggs with Brown Shells Chicken […]

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Heritage Turkey Spotlight — Royal Palm, Ideal for Small Families

Royal Palm Turkey

The Royal Palm is a lightweight turkey with stunning white plumage trimmed in black. Turkeys with a similar color pattern have been raised in Europe since the 1700s, known there variously as black-laced white, pied, or Crollwitzer.   The first turkeys in the United States with the palm color pattern appeared in the 1920s in […]

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Hatchery Choice Runner Ducks

Fawn & White/Black Runner ducks

Hatchery Choice Runner Ducks – Sold as Baby Ducklings Only – No Sexing Available

Shipped Aug thru Dec

Minimum of 15 per order. Orders for these ducks needs to be on a separate online order so your order can be processed properly. 

No pick up orders.

These will ship on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday but will be dated with a Monday ship date and you will receive tracking when they ship.

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Chicken Breeds List Comparison Chart

Use the chicken breed list below to help you choose the right chicken. This list includes all of the chicken breeds that are for sale at Cackle Hatchery. Click the name of the chicken breed for more information, to see an image of that breed and for purchasing options. Chicken Breed Name Egg Production Egg Color […]

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Chicken Keeping: A Time-Honored Tradition

Medieval Chickens

Chicken keeping has a long and successful history, dating back to antiquity. Some 19th century writers would have their readers believe that prior to the Victorian era poultry breeding was not a specialized occupation. It was certainly elevated in status once poultry shows began awarding prizes for quality and for new breeds, but the number […]

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