Light Brahma Started Pullet

Light Brahma Started Pullet

Light Brahma Started Pullet – 15 to 22 weeks old female

Shipped Only Year Round.  No Pick up Orders! 
Started Pullets are 30.00 ea.  Shipping charges are non refundable.
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Barred Rock Started Pullet

Barred Rock Started Pullet

Barred Rock Started Pullet – 15 to 22 Weeks Old

Shipped Only Year Round.  No Pick up Orders!
Started Pullets are 32.00 ea. Shipping charges are non refundable.
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Five Ways to Preserve Surplus Homegrown Eggs

Homegrown chicken eggs are seasonal. Sometimes you have too many, sometimes not enough. Here are five ways to extend the shelf life of your fresh homegrown eggs, to preserve the surplus for days when your hens take a vacation from laying.     1. Do Nothing You may be surprised to learn how long clean, […]

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What’s the Difference between Sex Link and Autosex Chickens?

What's the Difference between Sex Link and Autosex Chickens?

The terms “sex link” and “autosex” both refer to chicks that may be sorted by gender from the moment they hatch. But the two words are not synonymous. Sex link chickens, or sex links, result from mating a hen and a rooster of two different breeds. Autosex chickens are the offspring of a hen and […]

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How to Get Your Hens to Lay Eggs in a Nest, Not on the Floor

How to Get Your Hens to Lay Eggs in a Nest, Not on the Floor

Floor eggs are the eggs your hens lay on the chicken coop floor, rather than in the nice cozy nests you provide. Floor eggs are undesirable because they easily get dirty or cracked, making them unsafe to eat and unsuitable for hatching. A cracked egg is likely to get broken, encouraging hens to sample the […]

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Why Are My Chickens Laying Soft Eggs?

Chickens Laying Soft Eggs

Imagine you walk out to your chicken coop and find a soft-shelled egg, or even an egg with no shell at all. It would be a pretty disturbing sight, especially if you’ve never seen one before. Besides the fact that these eggs are pretty messy to handle, they could also be an alarm that something […]

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Protecting Your Chickens from Predators

Protecting Your Chickens from Predators

After devoting months to diligently caring for your baby chicks, the last thing you want is to have one become the hapless victim of a hungry hawk. Unfortunately, self-defense isn’t your chickens’ strong suit, so it’s up to you to keep them safe from harm. Birds of prey, coyotes, foxes, and even large domestic dogs […]

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