Use the chicken breed list below to help you choose the right chicken. This list includes all of the chicken breeds that are for sale at Cackle Hatchery. Click the name of the chicken breed for more information, to see an image of that breed and for purchasing options. Chicken Breed Name Egg Production Egg Color […]
Continue ReadingSearch Results for: black
Chicken Keeping: A Time-Honored Tradition

Chicken keeping has a long and successful history, dating back to antiquity. Some 19th century writers would have their readers believe that prior to the Victorian era poultry breeding was not a specialized occupation. It was certainly elevated in status once poultry shows began awarding prizes for quality and for new breeds, but the number […]
Continue ReadingWhat’s the Difference Between a Barred Rock and a Dominique?

A lot of chicken keepers who are unfamiliar with both barred Rocks and Dominiques have trouble telling the difference between them. Once you’ve seen both, though, you’ll have no trouble readily identifying which is which. First let’s get one thing straight: “Barred Rock” is not a breed. The breed is Plymouth Rock. The original color […]
Continue ReadingWhy Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

The earliest record of anyone asking “Why did the chicken cross the road?” appeared in 1847, in a monthly New York magazine called The Knickerbocker. The answer, as printed in the magazine: “Because it wanted to get to the other side.” Since then, the question has spawned an infinite number of variations, and even […]
Continue ReadingReviews
Submit a review on our BBB here: Is Cackle Hatchery® Legit? Yes, we have been raising and selling chickens since 1936 but don’t take our word for it; read many of our reviews and testimonials from real customers: September 10, 2023 All 17 chicks arrived alive and healthy in a timely manner, would do business […]
Continue ReadingChicken Terms/Definitions/Phrases
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z – A – Addled A rotten or otherwise inedible egg. Or an egg in which the embryo died during early incubation. Age of lay The age at which a […]
Continue ReadingChick Care Instructions : A Guide to the Care of Baby Chicks
Download or Print Cackle Hatchery’s Guide to the Care of Baby Chicks (Pamphlet) Download of Print “The Care of Baby Chicks” eBook Cackle’s Safe Handling of Poultry Poster (Salmonella Safety) Table of Contents Arrival First Day Instructions Heating Feed Water Special Situations After the Chicks Arrive Litter Picking After 4 Weeks Baby Turkeys & Peafowl […]
Continue ReadingKeeping Turkeys With Chickens

Conventional wisdom says you should never keep turkeys and chickens together, because turkeys are susceptible to blackhead, a disease with devastating consequences. However, lots of backyarders raise chickens and turkeys together without a problem, and with some benefits. Here are three good reasons to keep turkeys with chickens, and two reasons not to. Thumbs Up […]
Continue ReadingWeekly Special Female Jubilee Orpingtons

Weekly Special Female Jubilee Orpingtons – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
Any other orders other than weekly specials needs to be a separate order. These specials can end at any time and are constantly changing throughout the season.
Minimum of 3.
Continue ReadingWhat Is a Bantam Chicken?

A bantam is a small chicken, about one-fourth to one-fifth as big as a standard-size chicken, generally weighing no more than 2 pounds. The popularity of bantams, affectionately known as banties, began as families moved from farms into suburban areas, and escalated from there. People who enjoy keeping bantams find that they require little backyard […]
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