Chickens have no sweat glands, so chicken breeds that originated in hot climates have developed other features to help them stay cool. One is to grow a large comb and wattles, through which blood circulation increases in hot weather to help dissipate body heat. Another warm-climate adaptation is to avoid trapped heat by developing sparse […]
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Chicken Breeds that Are Exceptional Foragers
Some chicken breeds thrive better on forage compared to others. Breeds that have been kept in confinement for many generations generally forage less aggressively than breeds that have continued to exercise their foraging instinct. If you want a low-maintenance flock, and you have space for them to roam, consider these chicken breeds that are exceptional […]
Continue ReadingBreed Spotlight: Lovely Longtail Chickens
A longtail chicken is one of several breeds selectively bred for growing particularly long tail feathers. The roosters have two specialized genes that allow their tails to grow longer than those of other breeds. One is a nonmolting gene that causes some of their tail feathers to not molt. The other gene produces rapid tail-feather […]
Continue ReadingWhy Does a Rooster Have Wattles?
A rooster’s wattles come in flexible pairs that dangle beneath the beak, while its comb is a single structure prominently affixed to the top of the head. Researchers have determined that hens base their choice of mates, in part, on characteristics of the comb. But when it comes to wattles, they scratch their scholarly heads […]
Continue ReadingPoultry Breed Finder Index Page
STANDARD CHICKEN BREEDS Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Bielefelder Black Ameraucana Black Australorps Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Black Jersey Giants Black Laced Gold Wyandotte Black Laced Red Wyandotte Black Laced Silver Wyandotte Black Sex Link Black Sumatra Blue Ameraucana Blue Cochin Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Blue […]
Continue ReadingRaising Pet Chickens for Your Backyard
Cackle Hatchery offers customers a diverse range of chickens to choose from, so you can find the right backyard chickens for your needs. If you are looking specifically for pet chickens and you are new to raising chickens, here is a handy guide to help you find the perfect fit and tips on how to […]
Continue ReadingChick Sales Sheets
PRINTABLE CHICK SALES SHEETS Tips for printing: Make sure your printer settings are set to landscape orientation and that the scale is set to “Fit to Page”. Ancona Duck Austra White Barnevelder Barred Cochin Barred Plymouth Rock Barred Rock Bantam Bielefelder Black Australorp Black Breasted Red Aseel Black Breasted Red Phoenix Black Cochin Standard Chicken […]
Continue ReadingChicken Breeds List Comparison Chart
Use the chicken breed list below to help you choose the right chicken. This list includes all of the chicken breeds that are for sale at Cackle Hatchery. Click the name of the chicken breed for more information, to see an image of that breed and for purchasing options. Chicken Breed Name Egg Production Egg Color […]
Continue ReadingHow Chickens Keep Themselves Warm in Winter
Chickens have a naturally high body temperature, averaging around 106°F, which allows them to remain active despite cold weather. As the temperature drops, a chicken’s metabolism speeds up to keep the bird warm. At the same time, the flow of blood to a chicken’s legs decreases to minimize the escape of body heat from […]
Continue ReadingWhy Do Chicken Eggs Come in Different Colors?
Most eggs sold at the supermarket have white shells. So where do brown eggs and blue eggs come from? The color of the shell is determined by the breed of the hen that laid the egg. Most white eggs sold at the supermarket are laid by Leghorn hens. Many other breeds lay eggs with white […]
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